Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Fix is in! Shocking Global documentary could trigger class actions and personal liability

I could not believe the documentary on Global tonight. It went farther than anything I have seen in the mainstream media as of yet in demonstrating how special interests have corrupted some federal and provincial decision making in important aspects of domestic Canadian public policy.

Apart from the acceptance of a broken system by decision makers, which makes this policy failure unique, the government could be at risk of liability in a way similar to the that which led to compensation for the victims of tained blood in Canada.

Although this issue does not need more delays to make change, another "Krever Inquiry" on this issue would ensure that those who turned a blind eye or who were "touched" by special interests while making decisions as public representatives might not escape this issue yet. If the doctrine of mnisterial responsility no longer applies, accountabilty in some form is now more likely than before. Who do you think will ultimately be held responsible?

Millions of families could be entitled to compensation eventually because of a deliberately belligerent system that puts money in the pockets of special interests and takes it from the pockets of men, women and children.

Who is accountable for a system that EVERYONE knows is broken? This system demotes those who inadvertantly qualify to becoming procedural and financial slaves to an "industry" that is known to not work or to be fair, in spite of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms adopted in Canada twenty-five years ago.

Because of blatant and deliberate delays in fixing what is commonly known to be broken, accountability for those in dereliction of their duties to uphold the public trust will be well deserved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish the Quebec wing had never mentioned the word "Nation."
Nik Nanos said that the word nation would put the Liberals way high Quebec and real low for them in Ontario What a mess..they have to get this fixed, or else, It wouldn't matter if Harper did ten times worse..he would still get in again, and god help us!