Saturday, November 18, 2006

The perfect amendment to the Nation resolution is the one that makes it go away...

Right across this Quebec bay, on this coolish day, Libloggers were invited to play along with a perfect way they say of making the Nation problem go away. Is there a better way to send it along its way? No way. Playing with the issue on live TV may cause Liberals to pay if the Nation Resolution is sent away packing - to the moon - because gangs of Liberals say no f-cking way.

Then, Boisclair and Duceppe can have a field day each and every day after that reminding Quebecers about that infamous day when Canada came to Montreal, MAY day in November, to say no f-cking way to that Nation Resolution, and the Quebec way too. There may be spin...

After all, one day soon there will be a provincial election and many still offended Quebecers won't think the topic of Canada is that gay (in a happy or sad kind of way).

Why don't we just say to no-way to Iggy's big idea - LPCQ's big lay in an ivory tower. This Nation power play should just go away if LPCQ and others belly up now and say OK - send it along its way. This is because procedural mistakes were made along the way, which is lucky because this issue is way too hot to play with right now. Please just make it go away today!

Please help LPCQ say go away today and not on the Convention floor in 10 days, on live TV - by supporting this. Most people seem to say that it is the very best way.

Let's stop trying to fix a broken resolution, OK?!

So, let's send it along its way without overshadowing what most say is the real reason Liberals are coming to Montreal in 10 days to play and to lay the foundation for a brilliant future, the party's new way.

See you on the floor and have a great day.

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