Sunday, November 19, 2006

Keeping Montreal beautiful: why won't we let this Nation thing go away?

Montreal. Ahhh. It is a beautiful city is it not. Let's keep it that way following the convention.

Debating the Nation resolution on the convention floor could have dire consequences. Consequences on the political mood that will remain in this city and in this province following Convention.

Why then are some people still talking about fixing a broken resolution rather than helping it to disappear. I agree with "if it ain't broke don't fix it". But I tend to agree more with "if it will go away without consequence because of bad procedure, let it go". This is possible and very simple because of this.

In spite of the perfect way out, some Liberals seem to continue to want to do it the hard way and dilute Iggy's original idea into a lie that does nothing but create false expectations amongst some Quebecers. This is where some Quebecers will be waiting in perpetuity for consitutional changes (let's be honest in that these probably won't happen for a while). This will take away from any positive Liberal accomplishments in the meantime.

Perhaps the magic solution that is under our noses is not being discussed that much publicly because it seem too good to be true. I don't know. Perhaps it is also because there is a reluctance to let another Liberal candidate off the hook for a bad idea to start with. I can't say for sure.

Either way, it seems that La Presse and the media keep writing about this so-called compromise resolution and about changes to the broken Nation resolution amongst the candidates to help fix it before it gets to the floor. What will this do? Tone down the debate? What does a watered-down version that barely dribbles do? I am not convinced about this approach.

Also, it seems this article in error made a big deal about Jacques Saada's words because they report he is a Dion supporter. The last time I checked he was running Bob Rae's Quebec campaign. M. Saada is approximately as much of an asset to Dion's campaign as is William Hogg, who must have made a deal with Iggy for the nomination in the riding where he is president. There is no other plausible explanation, but I disgress.

What the candidates need to do is agree to support another resolution that will make this Nation disaster disappear because of flawed procedure, and hold LPCQ to account for these procedural errors, if necessary. The final version is other resolution circulating, but in the meantime, feel free to check out the draft.

I trust Liberals will come to their senses and will make the right choice here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Accusing William Hogg of teaming-up with Ignatief simply because he decided to supports Quebec liberals' resolution on the Quebec nation??? What kind of drugs do you are you on little buddy? Get back down to earth PLEASE!

You are tarnishing the reputation of somehow on the mere speculations that he cannot have been pro-Dion and yet disagree with him on that particular issue... Pitiful !

YOU ARE a shame to our party for calling a resolution adopted by 80% of Quebec liberals to be removed for procedural errors. Ill procedures right? Well WATCH OUT for what you're asking for when suggesting to LPCQ should release all the information about the procedures, how they were – indeed - followed to the letter and how various leadership clans interfered in the democratic and political process of the party in an attempt to prevent the publication of a resolution officially proposed by THREE riding associations...

Don't you worry, all the documents around the publication of this resolution is available on demand and may even be released at an appropriate time! The question that arises, tough, is the following: Do you REALLY want to know what leadership camp tried to violate the party's democratic process? ASK AND YOU SHALL GET WHAT YOU ASLED FOR, LITTLE FRIEND!!!