Saturday, November 04, 2006

Miracle Resolution: History could show that Quebec women saved the country

In case you missed it, a draft resolution is circulating that questions the legitimacy of the LPCQ resolutions passed two weeks ago at the conseil général in Montreal. In short, there are no grounds to make those resolutions supersede other resolutions passed democratically in November 2005 at the LPCQ biennial policy convention.

In order to demonstrate a respect for democracy and the Quebec grassroots, the LPCQ must render ineligible the resolutions passed without a clear mandate two weeks ago in Montreal. No one appropriately considered that there were other resolutions ahead of these "johnny come lately" resolutions in the queue.

There are enormous implications riding on how this is treated by LPCQ. The challenge to the prioritsation of these recent resolutions is now in the public domain. Liberals across the country will know by what happens next whether democracy is a factor in how decisions are made by the Quebec wing.

As a by-product, Liberal delegates should not have to vote this month on whether to roll the dice in Quebec yet another time. That can be left for when saner minds have a say. What is the rush? Liberals can make mistakes too. And, Liberals can also take responsibility ... can turn lemons into lemonade, right?

Let's not make decisions about our Nation(s) because of the leadership race right now. We are definately playing with fire, right and possibly playing with explosives.

Let's take advantage of errors in procedure and move on. Doesn't this gift show there is a bright light shining on the Liberal party?


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