Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm back on line: Warning about Beta Blogger upgrade

After five weeks I am back on Liblogs with a new URL. I will try to integrate my previous blog into this one, however I am not optimistic that it is possible knowing the limitations assosiated with the "rocket scientists" who made Beta Blogger. That blog address is:

Curiosity and a written sales pitch promoting all the great features available through Beta Blogger led me to attempt an upgrade of my blog. Big mistake!

Once I went part way, there was no turning back and no evident atom/rss link for Jason to link to. So in spite of a couple attemts (thanks Jason) my posts still did not appear on the blog roll. Frankly, the reasons they suggest for upgrading to Beta.Blogger contain about as much spin as I have been reading about the Liberal leadership contest and the 'self-appointed' frontrunners. It seems like it is pretty much the same thing, though one needs a Google account to activate. I am sure it is all about Google acquiring more members more so than added features yet.

Please beware, this upgrade is not worth the hassle. In the meantine I have had plenty of time to look out over the water and to reflect on the Liberal leadership contest. Things are heating up for the home stretch... the vulnerabilities of the various candidates are emerging as expected and in a way that could have a large impact on the final results. There will be some surprises.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I anticipate some very thoughtful posts on the Leadership from you, my dear friend.

Aurelia said...

Yep, Beta was hell to upgrade, but it does eventually work. Glad you're back.

Edgewater Views said...

Thanks Sinestra. It is good to be back, although it has been less than one hour. I am still getting used to it.

I have much to say on the leadership, but I will leave that for later.

Edgewater Views said...

Aurelia. Thanks. I guess I wasn't patient enough, though I can't see it working on the blog roll. I think starting again is a better option.