Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Big Canada - A big day in Quebec ... leadership debate later today from Quebec City

Will there be some surprises at the Liberal leaders' debate later today in Quebec City? Will the winds will shift in a direction few would have anticipated? Why is the question for Liberals not about who can really win nationally and/or who can beat Harper in one election?

Isn't this what collectively interested Liberals should be voting for? The scrutiny Liberals are using to endorse their preferred candidates often seems similar to how one would act upon a stock tip - don't buy the stock because of how it will perform but buy it because of how others anticipate it will perform. Such decision making, which is present in this leadership campaign is not much better than owning a crystal ball or having a friend who reads tea leaves.

Most Liberals seems to want to be supporting the winner at convention. In many cases this is out of self-interest more so than who will with the most integrity lead the party. What about carefully considering who is best for the Liberal party at this point in time given the questions Canadians have about trust? If the Leader is decided because too many self-interested Liberals think they can guess a winner, and blindly follow the trail of "spin", the opportunity for the Liberal party to renew itself this time around will be lost. This what CPC hopes will happen.

Is this more important than the number of "trigger happy" party executives and ambitious caucus members who on Week One of the campaign last spring felt like they had to anticipate with very limited information guess "who would be the (wo)man"?

This is a bit like ordering Dim Sum - you never know what (or who) is going to show up next and with what.

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