Friday, December 22, 2006

Who will vote first? Quebec or Canada

A federal election is pending now that our Liberal leader is in place. This is especially so with the NDP and Bloc Quebecois threatening to bring down Harper's government sooner rather than later.

The assumption has been that a federal election will happen before a Quebec provincial election, which is due later in 2007. The Globe and Mail reports today that "the timing of the election call is partly expected to be decided by the fate of the minority federal government". Charest’s Liberal caucus has been recalled to return to work two months ahead of schedule presumably to prepare for such an event.

What does this mean? Does the Quebec factor need to be considered more carefully now in relation to when federal opposition parties finally pull the plug?

I think some further analysis is required here as to what are all the possibilities, options and implications. What is for sure is that these two pending elections have become intrinsically interrelated.

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