Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Republicans distance themsleves from liberal values ... and Bush too

With my being in the Desertville, USA this week, I have caught more political news about America than about Canada. While I look forward to catching up shortly, this presents a good opportunity for me to both report on what I have gleaned is the current political mood here, as well as a way for me to try my remote blogger feature.

What I noticed in watching the Rebublican debates on TV last night was this: there were some very interesting differences (and similarities) in how some of the candidates were choosing to re-position the Republican ideology and build upon past successes. Interestingly, these successes do not seem to include anything done by Bush's current adminsitration. More on that after.

Some lesser known candidates were firing off bold ideas about restricting immigration and linking the right to become an American by the extent to which 'new Americans' were willing to set aside their heritage and buy into the 'melting pot.

Others, like Rudy Guliani and John McCain were applying well developed methodologies to give depth to their answers. For example, Rudy Guliani spoke about the principles of Abraham Lincoln to describe who is most deserving of becoming an American - those who believe in freedom and liberty yada yada yada..

John McCain, who is a senator from Arizona, gave credit to Hispanic Americans for their contribution to America, and their devotion to American values, and their willingness to risk their lives to fight for American values (at least those who are legal he was careful to say).

The sole point of commonality by all the prospective candidates was the extent to which all chose to distance themelves from George W. Bush and the current administration. Bush was literally 'thrown under the bus' by his Republican colleagues.

Is this the final 'nail in the coffin' in further foreshadowing what shall be a very weak legacy by the younger Bush indeed?

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


Anonymous said...

The neo-cons are discredited, the Islamic fundamentalist threat is still present. No energy to do the nation building thing. So, it is now time to rebuild "Fortress America".

However, the free market, small government ideas of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan have been dismissed also. No use saying these things when manufacturing jobs are outsourced to China. So what we have is the emergence of paleo-cons (Hunter and Tancredo) trying to become the conscience of the Republican party. Note the similarity to Pat Buchanan.

Any lessons to fat boy Stevie? Paleo-cons have been discredited in the US due to their flirtation with Nazism in the 1930s. Ironically, this flirtation was based on an admiration of German corporatism during the Great Depression. Note also that the European right is now thriving not because the centre right parties want to promote free market policies, but to tweak a corporatist model that had brought economic stability for the past 60 years.

So, I am not all concerned about Harpo becoming a Bushie, John Howard, Preston Manning, Mike Harris clone (they are more or less discredited). However, he still has room to grow and evolve himself into something more paleo-conservative like that I am concerned about.

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